Part 1:

Say we name this problem . We prove that  is NP-Complete. First, we show  is in NP. For this, we consider the input to be an array of adaptors  where each adaptor is a pair of connecter types . Let  be the decision problem that determines whether there is some subset of adaptors such that each connector type is used once.

→ Showing  is NP

Data type of certificate is an array of adaptors, where each adaptor can be represented by some integer . The desired yes-certificate is an array of adaptors , where each connector type is used only once and that when connected, form a ring, and each entry is connected to the one before it and the one after it. Now, we construct a poly-time verify(I,C) algorithm:

def verify(I = (A,t), C):
	# A is array of adaptors, t is the number of connector types 
	# we first verify that each connecter type was used only once (we should count exactly 2 adaptors having the connector type)
	type_count = map() #
	for l,r in C: 
		if l not in type_count:
			type_count[l] = 1
			type_count += 1
		if r not in type_count:
			type_count[r] = 1
			type_count += 1
	for key in type_count:
		if type_count[key] != 2:
			return False
	if |type_count| != t: return False
	# now we check for ring -> each adaptor 
	for a_i, a_j in A:
		if a_i[1] != a_j[0]: return False          # for adjacent pair in A, we check if the r of the left adaptor = the l of the right adaptor, needed for ring
		if A[-1][1] != A[0][0]: return False       # for the special case, very last adaptor in A and first, need to connect to form the ring
	return True
  • The runtime of this is fairly straightforward:

    • We first iterate over  → so this is  iterations, where the size of  is at most  → So, at most  iterations
    • We then iterate over type_count array. The maximum number of types is the just the number of adaptors → so, also  iterations
    • Finally, we iterate over , which has size  ( adaptors) → so this is also  iterations
  • The input size is  which has  elements in , and  which is a constant. As mentioned above,  has size at most 

  • Evidently, the certificate-verification algorithm runtime is polynomial on the input size

Now, we prove correctness through 2 cases:

→ Case 1: Let  be any yes-instance → find  such that **verify(I,C) = True**

Suppose  is a yes-instance. That is, in this list of adaptors, there is a subset  where every connector-type is used and the adaptors form a ring. Running verify(I,C), we won’t return false in the second for loop, as  is a ring of adaptors, each connection type is only present on exactly 2 adaptors. Also, as  uses all connector-types, it uses all  types. The next part checks if  is ring, as every 2 adaptors in  share a connection type, we won’t return false here. Thus, reach the end and true is returned.

→ Case 2: If **verify(I,C)** is true → prove  is a yes-instance

Suppose the certificate-verification algorithm returns true. So, this means we have some ordered array of adaptors , where:

  • every adjacent pair in the array share a connector type, with the last and first adaptors connecting, thus forming a ring
  • every connector is used once, as there are  connector types in 
  • Thus,  proves the existence of a subset of adaptors where every connector-type is used exactly once and a ring is formed.

Next, we show that this is NP-Complete by providing a polynomial transformation from the known NP-Complete problem, . We first provide a transformation:

  • Consider the input to be the graph  that contains an undirected hamiltonian cycle. Now, for every in graph , we interpret the nodes to be the set of all connector types, and every edge to be an adaptor. We iterate over every edge and convert it into an entry  of the array , where each  consists of  which represent the connector types (end nodes) of each adaptor (edge).
  • This requires  ruintime
  • The input size is the graph , for which the size of is . Hence it is evident that this transformation has polynomial runtime on the input size.
  • This polynomial transformation applies a transformation to the input, and a single call to the oracle without modification

→ We argue this transformation satisfies 2 key conditions:

  • → If  then 
    • Suppose  is a yes-instance of the UHC problem. So,  is a graph  that contains a hamiltonian cycle.  is an array of edges, where each edge has 2 nodes . Since  contains a hamiltonian cycle, there are no edges visited more than once, and so, are a subset of the edges in . Also, the hamiltonian cycle visits each vertex once, meaning each connector type is used only once. These edges form a cycle, which means there is some subset  of , where the edges form a cycle. Thus, there is some subset of edges  of  that form a ring, where each connector type is used once → hence 
  • → If  then 
    • Suppose  is an instance of the adaptor ring problem. That is, there is some subset of adaptors  in , where they form a ring, with each connector typed used once. Given this is a yes instance, there exists some subset of   such that: . Construct a graph, where each  is converted into an edge, and  are converted into nodes of the graph. Since the above characteristic is present in , it also exists in this new graph. That is, there is some set of edges  that are a ring, where each edge  has 2 end vertices, such that . As every connector type is only used once, every pair  is used only once → in terms of the graph, each vertex is visited only once. So, we have a sequence of adaptors (edges) that visits every vertex exactly once. Thus, this graph is instance , and since it contains a cycle that visits each vertex exactly once, it has a hamiltonian cycle → 

Therefore, as we proved that  is in NP and that there is a valid polynomial transformation from a NP-Complete problem, we conclude that  is also NP-Complete.

Part 2:

We claim there is a poly-time algorithm that solves this problem. The idea is:

  • Like the reverse-transformation in the above problem, we construct a graph from the set of adaptors
  • We’re looking for a path where all adaptors are used → looking for a Eulerian path
  • The euclidean path problem can be solved in polynomial time

Consider the following pseudo-code:

def ChainAllAdaptorsSolver(A):
	construct graph G from A where all adaptors are edges and all connector types are nodes  
	return EulerianPathSolver(G)

→ Proof of Correctness:

We provide now a proof of correctness. The first step of the algorithm is to map the array of adaptors to a graph, where each vertex represents a connector type and each edge represents an adaptor. The algorithm is attempting to find a chain that uses all adaptors. Notice that in terms of the graph, this is equivalent to looking for a path where each edge is used once. This is the exact input needed for the euclidean path algorithm, which given a connected graph, is able to determine whether a path that visits each edge exactly once exists.

  • Note, in the graph  is comprised of multiple component graphs, then the EulerianPathSolver returns false. In the context of finding a chain of all adaptors, multiple component graphs means there exist some adaptors with connector types no other adaptor has, and so, can never be connected together to form a link.
  • In cases, where there are multiple adaptors of the same type (say multiple adaptors of type  to ), the algorithm is able to handle this → not a concern
  • Hence, we make a modification/transformation to the input and call EulerianPathSolver and return’s its return value

→ Runtime:

The given input is , which is the array of  adaptors. Assuming the graph  is matrix representation,  is an upperbound on the construction time. Since each of the  adaptors is mapped to an edge, the size of the graph is . We know EulerianPathSolver is polynomial on its input size . Hence, it is evident that the runtime of ChainAllAdaptorsSolver is also polynomial on the input size.