\#include <iostream>
\#include <string>
\#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
 int n;
 while (true) {
   cout << "Enter a number:" << endl;
   string s;
   cin >> s;
   istringstream ss{s}; // initialize a istringstream object to the string s
   if (ss >> n) break; // so if
   cout << "I said, ";
 cout << "You entered " << n << endl;

Example Read all integers until EOF and skip non-integers

int main () {
  string s;
  while (cin >> s) {
    istringstream ss{s};
    int n;
    if (ss >> n) {
      cout << n << endl;

Command Line Arguments

  • Write a program that takes an integer and a string as command line arguments and prints the second integer argument a number of times equal to the first argument. *


./args 5 hello
output is expected to be:

> hello
> hello
> hello
> hello
> hello

Here is the code:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  if (argc < 2) {
    cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << " int string" << endl;
  string ${argv[1]};
  istringstream iss{s};
  int n;
  iss >> n;
  for (int i =0; i < n; i++) {
    cout << argv[2] << endl;

Here are some notes that I am making after the lecture

  • Above, we passed argc and arv to main, these are the command line arguments we can pass to main. Again, command-line arguments are given after the name of the program in command-line shell Operating Systems. Essentially, the command line arguments you used in bash.
  • To pass command line arguments in C/C++, we need the argc and argv.
  • argc (which can be though of as argument count) stores the number of command line arguments passed by the user, including the name of the program. So, its basically always the number of arguments + 1
  • argv (which can be thought of as argument vector) is an array of character pointers listing all of the arguments.
  • If argc > 0 , then the array elements from argv[0] to argv[argc-1] will contain pointers to strings
  • argv[0] is the name of the program, after that, every element in argv is command line argument

In fact, when we open a C++ file in Xcode, the main you see looks like this:

\#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    // insert code here...
    std::cout << "Hello, World!\\n";
    return 0;

Good practice, implement cat

Default function parameters

void printSuiteFile(string name="suite.txt") { // default value,
  // if no parameter is passed to the fnction, suite.txt is used as name
  ifstream file{name};
  string s;
  while (file >> s) {
    cout << s << endl;
// rest of the function goes here, for printing the contents of a file
  printSuiteFile(); // pritns from suite.txt
  printSuiteFile(suite2.txt); // prints from suite2.txt

NOTE: Default parameters must be last

int foo(int a = 0, int b, int c = 10) { // not allowed
 return (a+b)%c;
// foo(1,2) is 1=a, 2=b? or is 1=b, 2=c?


  • Same function name multiple possible data parameters - used in classes


int neg(int a) {return -a;}
bool neg(bool b) {return !b;}
  • Can have functions with the same name, so long as they differ in number or type of parameters
    • Differing in return type is NOT enough
    • *Can overload operators as well **


// we can add strings and numbrs
string allan = "allan";
string brian = "brian";
string new = allan+brian;
int allan = 1;
int brian = 2;
int new_name = allan + brian;
// overload operator

We’ve already seen overloading

  • Another example is std::cin and std::cout, can read in or output strings, integers… many data types
  • This is overloading


struct Node {
  int data;
  Node *next; // compiler wont let you do this without pointer


const int MaxGrade = 100; // must be initializes
  • Declare as many things as you can as const, it helps you catch errors
Node n1 = {5, nullptr};
// when want to set to nullpointer, DO NOTE use NULL or 0 anymore
const Node n2 = n1;
// const copy of n1

  • *Parameter Passing **
  • References (Very important)
int y = 10;
int &z = y
// z is an l-value reference to an int
// z is bound to y, and behaves exactly how y bahaves, so can just change it, and y will change as well
  • we say that z is an alias for y
  • It is important to recognize that references are NOT pointers
  • They do behave like const pointers with automatic dereferencing
  • So, in the above, z++ will increment y
  • if i add:
int y = 10;
int &z = y
int p=0;
z = p; // this does not mean z points to p, means y now equals 0.
++z; // now y and z = 1

NOTE: You can never change what z is a reference for


cout <<< &y << endl; // prints out the address of y
cout << &z << endl; // prints out the address of y


  • Cannot leave references uninitialized
    • cannot just say int &bruh
  • Must be initialized with something that has an address
    • i.e. an l-value
    • so int &lol = 3 is **not allowed **
    • Cannot be referencing a **r-value **
  • create a pointer to a reference (it might not even have an address, so how can we have a pointer to it)
  • however, we CAN have a reference to a pointer
  • cannot create a reference to a reference
  • cannot create an array of references
    • e.g. int & r[3] = {n,n,n}

So, what CAN we do with references?

void inc(int &n) {
// now, n is a reference to the int passed in as an argument, so it
// behaves exactly like the argument, incrementig n increments the argument
int main() {
  int x = 5;
  inc (x);
  cout << x << endl;
  // so now, x will output as 6;
  • So, why does cin>>x work?
    • because >> takes x by reference, i.e
    • std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &n, in &x)
int f(int n) {...} // a copy consturctor
// if the arg is big, could be expensive

Prefer pass by const reference over pass by value, unless, the function needs to make a copy anyways, then pass by value