File permissions:
- ls -al lists long form of listing alongside of hidden files, of all files in current directory
- ls -l shows:
permissions owner group size (bytes) datelastmodified filename
For permissions: it is a 10 digit string
-rw-r----- # first first char, then it is user group other
It goes read, write, execute
The first character in permissions is a “type” can be - (file) and a d means (directory)
Permissions are three groups of 3 bits and when all set, are:
- user bit applies to files owner
- group bit applies to files group
- other bit applies to everyone else
r: read
w: write
x: execute
- r: means we can ls the directory, use globbing, and tab completion
- w: we can add or rm files from the directory
- x: means the directory can be navigated (can cd into it). If a directory’s executable bit is not set, regardless of the other read or write bits, access to the that directory, nor any file within it, are set
- for FILES:**
- r: can be read
- w: contents can be modified
- x: file’s contents can be executed as a program
How can we change permissions? We have a cmd for that:
chmod Mode file
The mode consists of 3 parts:
- User types:
- u = user
- g = group
- o = other
- a = all
- operator:
- add permissions
- subtract permissions
- = set permissions exactly (the equal signs not in quotes are simply relay the definitions of the symbols, will lose other permissions that prev. existed
- permissions
- r = read
- w = write
- x -executable
\#e.g. say we ls -l and get this:
ls -l
-rwx------ 1 a7yin cs246 77 May 9 13:15 testing.txt
chmod u=rwx,go+rw testing.txt
This will give group and other read and write permissions. The resulting permissions looks like:
-rwxrw-rw- 1 a7yin cs246 77 May 9 13:15 testing.txt
Shell Scripts
Files containing a sequence of shell commands executed as a program
Example: Print the date, current user, and current directory
#!/bin/bash -> shebang line
This line tells OS #!/bin/bash
is the location of the program you should use to interpret this file.
Give the file executable permissions:
means go back one directorycd../
means go back to the parent directory of the cwd
Bash can have variables
x=1 #(no spaces here)
echo $x #(dollar means fetch the value of)
So $
with no brackets is fetch value, with bracket is subshell
- Use $ when fetching the value of variable
- No $ when setting a variable
- Good practice:
also means fetch the value of x- This is good practice because if I want to print “1st”
echo $xst
wont work, need echo${x}st
Ofc putting the above substitution inside of ” will not change it
All bash variables are strings, e.g. x contains the string “1”
Occurs in the double quotes, but not in single quotes
- *Special was: **
$1 $2,..,etc - cmd line arguments
Example: check whether a word is in the dictionary or not
In our file, we would write:
egrep "^${1}$" user/share/dict/words
So, we egrep
any line in the dictionary (every line is just the words found in a dictionary) that starts and ends with the first command line argument.
./isitaword hello
This prints nothing if word not found, otherwise, prints the word
Example: A good password should not be in the dictionary
egrep "^${1}$" user/share/dict/words > /dev/null
#(output where we dont care about)
# redirecting stout to /dev/null supresses stdout.
# Every program returns a status code to the OS when finished
# $? - the satus of the most recently executed command
# how to interpet this return alue? we can use ifs
if [ $? -eq 0]; then #(THE SPACES ARE VERY IMPORTANT)
echo Bad password
echo Maybe not a terrible password
As seen above, a return value of 0 is success and anything other than a 0, is a fail. So in the above code snippet, as the passed password command line argument is not in the dictionary, the return value is not 0.
-eq is for arithematic equality
- *Example: ** Verify correct # of args, print how to use the program otherwise
egrep "^{1}$" /user/share/dict/words ? /dev/null
(1) usage: write a function. good idea to make usage of a fn, in case you need # to print it multiple place
is current running program
usage() {
echo "usage: ${0} password"
if [ $# -ne 1]; then
exit 1
is a special variable in bash, that expands to the number of arguments (positional parameters) e.g $1, $2 ...
passed to the script in question or the shell in case of argument directly passed to the shell
if .... elif .... elif ....else
For all available comparisons and other conditions, see the reference sheet given on Learn.
Print numnbers from 1 to $!
while [ $x -le $1]
echo $x
x=$((x + 1)) #$((...)) sytnax for arithematic
# Looping over a list
for x in a b c; do echo $x; done
# (prints a b c)
# for loops
\#version 1
for x in a b c; do
echo $x; done
# prints out a (new line) b (new line) c
# we need the ; when we write this function on one line, else, it
# could look like this.
\#version 2
for x in a b c; do
echo $x
# personally, I like the second option better, more spaced out
for x in "a b c"; do echo $x; done
# prints out a b c (the "" make it an entire string)
for x in $(ls); do echo "File:$x"; done
# prints out File: and the name of every file in the current dir.
The loop below will rename all .cpp files to .cc
for name in .cpp; do
mv $name ${name%cpp}
# ${name%cpp} menas give me everything in name without the cpp
To run a file in bash, we need to give ourselves executable permissions to the file through chmod
. Then, we need ./ in front of the executable file since we need the path to the file to run it.