Lecture 16


// base class/ super class
class Book {
  string title, author;
  int numPages;
class Text {
  string title, author;
  int numPages;
  string topic;
// For comic books, you want to track the hero
class Comic {
  string title, author;
  int numPages;
  string hero;

Now, the above is ok, it’s fine to define three separate classes for the entities listed above. But, such a practice does not capture the relationship among Comics,Texts, and Books. Moreover, how do we create an array or other collection that contains a mixture of these.

To model such relations, we use inheritance.

// derived class (or subclass)
class Text: public Book {
  string topic;
class Comic: public Book {
  string hero;

Derived classes inherit fields and methods from their base class. So, Text and Comic get title, author, and numPages fields from Book.

Any method that can be called on Bookcan be called on a Comic or Text because they are Books.

But, who can access the title, author, and numPages fields? Can subclasses see them? NO, not even subclasses can see/access private methods of the superclass.

So, then, how do we initialize a Text object?

// Base class/superclass
class Book {
  string title, author;
  int numPages;
    Book(string title, string author, int numPages): title{title}, .... {}
class Comic: public Book {
  string hero;
  Comic(string title, string author, int numPages, string hero): Book{title, author, numPages}, hero{hero} {}

The above is necessary for two reasons:

  1. title, author, and numPages are not accessible by Comic
  2. Again, when an object is constructed:
    • Space is allocated
    • Superclass components are initialized
    • fields are initialized
    • constructor body runs

(2) will not work if we don’t specify it because if unspecified, the compiler tries to default construct our superclass and Bookhas not default constructor. There are many good reasons to keep superclass fields hidden from derived classes (encapsulation - less places to look for bugs, regarding those fields). But if you want to give a subclass access to certain fields, you can use the protected visibility.

class Book {
  protected: // accessible to Book and its derived classes
    string title, author;
    int numPages;
    Book(string title, string author, int numPages): title{title}, author{author}, numPages{numPages} {}
class Text: public Book {
  string topic;
    void addAuthor(const string &a) {
      author += a;

We cannot initialize Book components in MIL because superclass components are already initialized before subclasses components.

Better for encapsulation to keep fields private and provide protected getters/setters (that way those methods can maintain invariants).

class Book {
  string title, author;
  int numpages;
    void setAuthor(const string &a) {author = a;}
    string getAuthor() {return author;}
void Text::setAuthor(const string &a) {
  setAuthor(getAuthor() + a);

This relationship among Text, Comic, and Book, is called an “is-a” relationship. A Text is a Book, and a Comic is a Book.

The “is-a” relationship is implemented via public inheritance.

Now, consider we want to write a method isHeavy. When is a Book heavy?

  • For ordinary books, ‘Heavy’ means > 200 pages
  • For textbooks, ‘Heavy’ means > 500 pages
  • For comics, ‘Heavy’ means > 50 pages
class Book {
  int numPages;
  bool isHeavy() {return numPages > 200;}
class Text: public Book {
  bool isHeavy() {return numPages > 500;} // assume numPages is protected
class Comic: public Book {
  bool isHeavy() {return numPages > 50;} // assume numPages is protected
Book b{"A small book", "Dave", 50};
Comic c{"comic", "someone", 60, "Recycling"};
cout << b.isHeavy() << c.isHeavy() << endl; // False and True
// Because public inheritance is an 'is-a' relationship, we can write
Book b = Comic{"Big comic", ..., 75, ...};
// however, is b heavy? NO, b is a book, and so, Book::isHeavy() runs

Here, the compiler will attempt to fit a Comic where there is only space for a Book object - effectively, the Comic is ‘sliced’. The 'hero' field is chopped off and the Comic is coerced into a Book.

But, if we access through pointers, no slicing is required.

Comic c{..., 60, ...};
Book *pb = &c;
Comic *pc = &c;
pc->isHeavy() // True
pb->isHeavy() // False
// Still false when called through a Book pointer even though points at a Comic
int main() {
  Book *pb;
  int n;
  cin >> n;
  if (n < 0) {pb = new Book{..., 60, ...};}
  else {pb = new Comic{..., 60, ...};}

The compiler doesn’t know if pb points at a Book or Text or Comic, it only knows pb’s static type is that of Book pointer. So it calls Book::isHeavy. When pointed at by a base class pointer/reference, these objects behave as their base class.

How do we make a Comic act like a Comic even when pointed at by a base class pointer?