Lecture 15

  • *Static members of classes **
struct Student {
  mutable it numMethodCalls = 0;
  float grade() const {
    return ...

The countMethodCalls is for a particular object. It is hard to keep track of all method calls across all student objects. What if we wanted to keep track of something entirely different, something that doesn’t make sense to be specific to an object. For example, what if we want to keep track of how many Student objects are created?

What we want is a variable that is associated with the class itself, not a particular instance of the class. This is why we have staticmembers.

struct Student {
  int assns, mt, final;
  static int numInstances;
  Student(int assns, int mt, int final) : ... {

In order to initialize the staticvariable, we do so outside of the class:

int Student::numInstances = 0;

Static fields must be initialized outside the class. Similarly, we can also have static member functions. Static member functions don’t depend on a specific instance for their computation. So, a static member functions can only access the static members. So, static member functions do not have a thispointer. Thus, as said above, they can only access static fields and members. They cannot call non-staticmethods.

For example:

struct Student {
  static void howMany() {
    cout << numInstances << endl;
Student Billy{60,70,80};
Student Yei{50,80,80};
Student::howMnay(); // 12
Yei.howMany(); // 12
struct Foo{
  static int x;
  void doSomething() const{
    cout << hello << endl;
int Food:x = 0;
int main() {
  Foo f;
  f.doSomething(); // so this is ok
  cout << foo::x << endl; // find since public, if private, wont work

So, f.doSomething()works. The const in the void soSomething() just says we are not going to change the object, incrementing x changes the class, but not the object.

Now, we look at the input and outputoperators as members.

class Vec{
  int x,y;
  int getX() const {return x;} // method is called an accessor or getter
  int setY(int z) { y = z;} // method is called a mutator or setter

Providing access to private fields can be done trough accessor/mutator methods when appropriate. These methods can include code to check/maintain invariants.

  • *What about input/output operators? **

You may initially think that overloading it in the class may be the way to go. However, it makes things very uncomfortable and weird. So, instead, we can use friend in classes:

class Vec{
  friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, vec &v);
// then, outside of the class
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out , vec &v) {
  out << v.x << ", " << v.y;
  return out;
// remember that for operator overloading like this, we need to
// return the output stream reference.
// Also, as a friend function, you are not a member function,
// you are simply an external function that has access to the
// class parameters

If you already have all the getters/setters, you need to write I/O operators, then you don’t need to declare it as a friend, but don’t add all getters/setters JUST for the I/O operators because then everyone can access them, not just the I/O stream.

System Modeling

This is a way to visualize the structure of a system (abstractions and the relationships among them) to aid in design and implementation.

One popular standard is UML Class diagrams

Modeling a class in UML. Here is how to draw a class in UML and put it in a box.

Class Name
Fields (optional)
Methods (optional)

Then, we put each one in sub-boxes and outside has a box. Check photos for reference. Will upload below:

Relationships: composition of classes

class Vec{
  int x,y;
  Vec(int x, int y) : x{x}, y{y} {}

Suppose that two vectors define a basis:

class Basis{
  vec v1, v2;
Basis b; // ERROR,

The built-in default constructor for Basistries to default construct v1 and v2, no such Vec::Vec constructor exists so we ca write our own that explicitly initializes them:

class Basis {
  Vec v1, v2;
  Basis(): v1{1,0}, v2{0,1} {}
  // invikes consturcotrs on v1 and v2 - must be done in
  // the MIL - remember by time constructor body runs fileds are initialized

Embedding objects (e.g. v1 and v2) within anther (e.g. b) is a composition relationship.

Relationship: a basisobject “owns-a” Vecobject (in fact, it owns two).

If A”owns-a” B, then typically:

  • Bhas no identity outside of A (no independent existence)
  • If Ais destroyed, then Bis also destroyed
  • If Ais copied, then Bis copied (e.g. deep copy)

An example of this are Node and List, from last class. Listowned the head node and each Nodeobject owned a pointer to another Node.

Composition is typically implemented through embedding objects within another, or through a pointer of which you have ownership.

So how do we model this in UML?

Filled in diamond attched means it owns another class. So, to show Basis owns Node, we see the below:

(insert photo here)

Composition is a solid filled in diamond

  • The 2 says “eacb basisowns exactly 2 vec
  • The 1 says “each vec is owed by exactly one basis

Relationship: Aggregation

Students in a course, courses have students, but, students have an independent existence outside of the course.

This is a “has-a” (aggregation) relationship. So:

  • If aA “has-a” B, then typically
    • B exists apart from its association from A
    • If A is destroyed, Blives on
    • if A is copied, B is not (shallow copy). So copies of A share the same B.

Example: parts in a catalogue, so if we rip up the catalogue, the parts don’t “cease to exist”

    • Modeling this:**

(insert photo here)

Here, the diamond is not filled in. /* Writing the asterick means any number. Writing 10 … star, means 10 to any number of parts.

Typical Implementation of aggregation relationship:

  • A pointer or a reference, particularly one you don’t own
  • Is through a non-owning pointer or reference

For example:

class Catalogue {
  Part &parts[500];
  ~Catalogue() {// dont delete the parts}
  • *Relationship: Specialization **

Suppose you want to keep track of your collection of books.

class Book {
  std::string title, author;
  int length;

For textbooks, also want to know the topic:

class Text {
  std::string title,author;
  int length;
  std::string topic;