Lecture 21
Last class: Maps
Design Pattern: Visitor Pattern
For implementing double dispatch. Virtual methods are chosen based on the run-time type of an object on which they’re called. What if you want to choose a method based on two objects?
Example: Striking enemies with weapons
We want something like
virtual void(Enemy, weapon)::strike)
. But, that is not possible.
If we write virtual void Enemy::strike(weapon &w)
, then the method is chosen based on the enemy type but not the weapon type.
If we write virtual void weapon::strike(Enemy &e)
, then we choose based on weapon type but not enemy type
The trick to getting double dispatch is to combine overloading and overriding.
class Enemy {
virtual void beStruckBy(Weapon &w) = 0;
class Bullet: public Enemey {
void beStruckBy(Weapon &w) override{
class Turtle: public Enemy {
void beStruckBy(Weapon &w) override{
// these twop classes are very different. Although similar code, *this passes different type
class Weapon {
virtual void Strike(Turtle &) = 0;
virtual void Strike(Bullet &) = 0;
class Stick: public Weapon {
void Strike(Turtle &t) {/* strike turtle with stick*/ }
void Strike(Bullet &b) {/* strike bullet with stick*/ }
// class Rock is similar as stick
int main() {
Enemy *e = ...; // something, dont need to know what it is
Weapon *w = ....; // something, dont need to know what it is
e->beStruckBy(* w);
// what happens here?
- Virtual dispatch for
occurs, calling(Turtle or Bullet)::beStruckBy
- The appropriate overwritten method calls
on itself, the argument reference type is then aBullet
or aTurtle
based on which method was chosen above - Then, the appropriate
method is chosen based on virtual dispatch. - Our
or ourrock
, hits theturtle
However, this design pattern has issues:
- We want re-usability, abstraction, and extendability
Visitor pattern can be used to add functionality to existing classes without changing or recompiling them, so long as they offer the the “visit” interface.
Example: Adding a visitor to the Book
class Book { // Book should be an "Enemy"
...// someting here
virtual void accept(BookVisitor &) { // similar to "beStruckBy"
class Comic : public Book {
...// something here
void accept(BookVisitor &v) {
// Text class is similar
// Now, we can define an abstract visitor
class BookVisitor { // like "wepaon"
virtual void visit(Book &b) = 0; // similar to "strike"
virtual void visit(Comic &c) = 0;
virtual void visit(Text &t) = 0;
Now, let’s write an Application of our BookVisitor
e.g. How many of each type of Book
, we have:
- group
by author - group
s by topic - group
by hero
struct Catalogue: public BookVisitor {
Map<string, int> theCatalogue;
void visit(Book &b) { ++theCataglogue[b.getAuthor()];}
void visit(Comic &c) { ++theCataglogue[c.getHero()];}
void visit(Text &t) { ++theCataglogue[t.getTopic()];}
So, the Book
and Catalogue
code above wont compile. Why? book.h
includes Bookvisitor.h
, which includes text.h
, text.h
includes book.h
- a circular inclusion.
Because of the header guard, text.h
doesn’t actually get a copy of book.h
, so, the compiler doesn’t know what a Book
is when we define Text
as a subclass.
Our text.h
absoultely needs Book.h
. So, this raises the question, are all of these \#include
s necessary?
Compilation Dependencies
When does a compilation dependency exist, i.e., when does a file REALLY need to include another?
// a.h
class A{...};
// b.h
class B: public A {
// inherits from A, need to know evertything about A
// so here, we include A.h
// how big is a B object? Well, we need to first know how
// big an A object is
// c.h
class C {
A myA;
// size of C object has A object, so, for memory to be
// allocated for a C object, needs to know A size
// so here, we include A.h
// d.h
class D {
A *myAp;
// here, we dont need to include
// this a pointer, always same size, dont need to know the
// size of A
// just needs to know existence of A, forward declare will suffice
// e.h
class E {
A f(A x); // x is of type A
// we're just declaring the function that takes an A
// all we need to know A exists, dont need specifics of A
// dont need A.h
// f.h
class F {
A f(A x) {
// here, similar to E, but we're actually writing the
// function that uses A, so we need to include
// need to know A has a function has a method called
// SomeMethod
// so, we need to inlclude A.h here
In general, do not introduce compilation dependencies where they don’t actually exist. Forward declare when possible, and include only when necessary.
Now, the implementation files will likely have true dependencies, but that’s OK.
Consider the Xwindow class:
class Xwindow {
Display *d;
Window w;
int s;
GC gc;
unsinged long collows[10];
// Do we know what the private things mean? If we're using it
// who cares! Point of class is to not need to know, just use
// public interface
What if we add, or change, a private member? If so, all client code must recompile. This seems unnecessary. The clients shouldn’t care about private.